Online instructor-led training
Captivate Advanced
About the event
Course Details
In this class students will learn how to personalize presentations with advanced actions, variables and branching scenarios, as well as how to make presentations Section 508-compliant with accessibility text and closed captions. Finally, you will learn how to transform your presentations from eLearning to mLearning (mobile learning).
This class is appropriate for novice to intermediate level users. Students should have taken the Captivate Intro course or have equivalent experience prior to taking this class. Bringing samples of the kinds of projects that you’d like to be able to do is helpful but not required. We also recommend that you have the software installed before starting the class. You can purchase the software or obtain a trial version of it from the Adobe web site at
- Plan eLearning Projects
- Check Captivate’s Recording Settings
- Rehearse a Script
- Record a Custom Simulation
- Edit a Text Capture Template
- Record a Video Demo
- Add a Video Zoom
- Add a Video Pan
- Smooth a Mouse Path and Show Visual Clicks
- Split a Video
- Trim a Video
- Create a Text Caption Style
- Apply a Style Globally
- Export and Import a Style
- Name a Slide
- Copy/Paste Project Assets
- Use Buttons to Create a Branch
- Explore the Branching Tab
- Create a Slide Group
- Publish SWFs
- Aggregate SWFs
- Review a GIFT File
- Import a Question from a GIFT File
- Create Question Pools
- Move Questions to Pools
- Insert Random Question Slides
- Set Document Information
- Enable Accessibility
- Add Accessibility Text to Slides
- Import Slide Audio
- Add Shortcut Keys
- Add Closed Captions
- Set a Tab Order
- Add Project Information
- Insert a System Variable
- Edit a System Variable
- Create a User Variable
- Use a Variable to Gather Data
- Insert and Format a Widget
- Insert and Format an Interaction
- Use a Completed Action
- Name Objects
- Create a Mask
- Control Object Visibility
- Create a Simple Action
- Attach an Action to a Button
- Group Timeline Objects
- Create a Variable
- Create a Conditional Action
- Create Decision Blocks
- Create and Export a Shared Action
- Import a Shared Action
- Work with the Main Master Slide
- Work with Content Masters
- Apply a Master to Filmstrip Slides
- Edit a Master
- Apply a Theme
- Create a Custom Theme
- Review a Template
- Base a Project on a Template
- Create a Project Template
- Insert a Placeholder
- Review a Responsive Project
- Customize Breakpoints
- Customize Theme Colors
- Use the Position Inspector
- Set Relative Positioning
- Link Objects Together
- Set Quiz Reporting Options
- Create a Manifest File
- Report a Button Interaction
- Adjust Slide Object Interaction
- Publish a Content Package
- Create an Inquisiq LMS Account
- Create an LMS Course
- Attach a Lesson to a Course
- Test an eLearning Course
All Classes Taught by Industry Pros

Christine Marsh
With over two decades of experience as a producer, director, editor, animator, marketing consultant, designer, and digital media trainer, Christine is a creative professional who has worked with clients such as Johns Hopkins University, Voice of America, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. She has taught a wide range of classes and custom training sessions for colleges, professional development centers, and private clients on topics such as graphic design, web design and development, 508 compliance, marketing, interactive media, video editing, animation, motion graphics, 3D modeling & animation, virtual/augmented reality, pre-production skills, and video production techniques, i.e. cinematography, directing and producing.